What Works Scotland will conclude its formal programme of work at the end of December 2018 but our resources will still be available online.
Global campaign for dialogue: Speak 2018!
What Works Scotland is sharing knowledge about ways of enabling communities to make their voice heard, take part in decision-making and generate constructive dialogue from differing viewpoints as part of a global campaign starting tomorrow (16 November 2018). Speak! 2018
Three final conferences for What Works Scotland: book now!
What Works Scotland is organising three final free conferences to share the findings of our research on public service reform.
What Works Scotland contributes to health and wellbeing evaluation support materials
What Works Scotland co-director Peter Craig has contributed to new evaluation support materials for health and wellbeing professionals.
What Works Scotland chapter in new book about action research and policy
A new book on action research includes a chapter by two What Works Scotland research associates, drawing on the collaborative action research projects with community planning partnerships in Scotland.
New material on participatory budgeting in Scotland and impact on health and wellbeing
A chapter in a new book about participatory budgeting world-wide examines how PB relates to public sector reform, community empowerment and social justice in Scotland.
Community planning officials: second survey out now
What Works Scotland has launched the second nationwide survey of people working in community planning in Scotland.
£2 million funding for Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland
Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland will receive £2 million of funding as part of the Scottish Government’s plans to address child poverty. The programme is an innovative collaboration between What Works Scotland, Policy Scotland and Glasgow Centre for Population Health.
Participation Requests research
What Work Scotland researchers are undertaking a small research project into policy implementation and third sector-state relations focussing on the Scottish Government’s introduction of Participation Requests as part of the Community Empowerment Act.
Busy year ahead for What Works Scotland
2018 is the last year for What Works Scotland so we’ll be focused on drawing together the findings from the different strands of our work and spreading the word about what’s been learnt about collaborative public service reform.