James Henderson, Research Associate with What Works Scotland, considers the final reflective learning report from the Aberdeenshire case site – At the frontier of collaborative and participatory governance – which offers eight discussions that could be used to inform ongoing dialogue with a public service partnership.
Blog: Tackling health inequalities means more than service reform and design
Guest blogger Chris Littlejohn, Deputy Director of Public Health with NHS Grampian, responds to At the frontier of Collaborative and Participatory Governance: Eight Discussions to support putting Christie into action, a report by What Works Scotland and Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership which reflects on the learning from their collaborative work.
At the frontier of collaborative and participatory governance: Eight key discussions to support putting Christie into practice – reflective learning with practitioners from Aberdeenshire CPP
This research report outlines and shares some of the learning about putting Christie into action from collaborative action research and reflection with Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership. It argues that understanding the developing frontier of collaborative and participatory governance will help to identify potential opportunities to make further progress with ‘wicked’ issues like inequality.
Collaborative Action Research and public services – insights into methods, findings and implications for public service reform
A working paper examining the findings of four What Works Scotland researchers during a three-year programme to explore collaborative action research with four community planning partnerships.
Blog: Continuing to learn from international experiences of participatory budgeting
Coryn took part in took part in an international learning visit to Paris in December 2016. Two years on, she revisited the city to take part in the Third National Meeting of Participatory Budgeting.
Think piece: Community-led solutions within multi-layered partnership working
Reflections by a local development worker on the challenges of encouraging and supporting community interest in developing, designing and delivering effective, local solutions in partnerships.
Stories from the coalface: Exploring what it means to work together in Aberdeenshire
Reflections by participants in the Aberdeenshire collaborative action research on what they learned from the different projects and what they are continuing to learn from the experience.
Think piece: Case study and practitioner reflections on Community Links, Insch
In this think piece the former community links worker in Insch, in Aberdeenshire, reflects on her three years of experience working on the project and what she learned.
Think piece: Reflections on developing a strategic approach to community capacity-building within the HSCP and the CPP
Reflections from Kim Penman, Health and Well-being Lead, Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Partnership on a collaborative learning process used to developed a shared approach to community capacity-building with a diverse range of community partners and organisations.
Think piece: Reflections on taking forward the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan Priority on Child Poverty
George Howie reflects on the connection between upstream action to address inequality and preventative action by partners at a local or regional level.