This collaborative action research (CAR) report highlights some of the learning from the CAR programme in Fife. The content covers both the positive learning that resulted from bringing together a diverse range of practitioners to undertake an inquiry, and the challenges inherent in that process. The report was co-produced by practitioners in Fife and What Works Scotland.
Fife Collaborative Action Research Programme: An overview of the process
This research report is an overview of the What Works Scotland collaborative action research programme which took place between 2015 and 2017 in Fife. It outlines the activities, provides details to encourage the adaptation of CAR approaches and offers insights for professional researchers who are planning similar CAR projects.
Collaborative action research report: Working in partnership to support students with additional needs
Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which looked at the role of partnership working with schools to address the needs of young people with additional support needs. Fife is one of four case sites where What Works Scotland has worked with community planning partnerships to undertake collaborative action research into public service reform.
Collaborative Action Research Report: Fife Partnership Innovation Team exploring the Family Fun Model
Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which sought to find out why parents came to Family Fun projects in Kirkcaldy and what impact the projects had on their engagement with the primary school and with adult learning. Fife is one of the four What Works Scotland case sites.
Generating case study evidence in Glasgow’s Thriving Places
Practitioners in Glasgow and What Works Scotland worked together to produce these two case studies to present evidence of the work from the city’s Thriving Places. Part of the collaborative action research work between Glasgow Community Planning Partnership and What Works Scotland.
Thriving Places case studies
Two case studies produced by practitioners in Glasgow Community Planning Partnership’s Thriving Places about asset mapping and community consultation processes. Thriving Places is a ten-year commitment from Glasgow CPP to combat inequalities and achieve better outcomes for residents in nine neighbourhoods experiencing high levels of deprivation.
Our approach to collaborative action research

The What Works Scotland approach to collaborative action research and the learning that is emerging from our work in multi-agency, multi-practitioner public service environments.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: three insights into how public services learn on international visits
In this blog What Works Scotland research associate Richard Brunner explores how public services in Scotland can learn from international evidence and offers three early insights from a study trip to Paris supported by What Works Scotland.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: reflections from Glasgow on the PB study visit to Paris
In this guest blog post Evelyn O’Donnell from Glasgow City Council describes some highlights and some early learning points from a two-day study visit to Paris for members of the Glasgow Participatory Budgeting Collaborative Action Research group, supported by What Works Scotland.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: perceptions, participation and parallels from a Fife perspective
In this guest blog post Coryn Barclay, Julie Dickson, and David McGrath from Fife Council reflect on what they learned from a fact-finding visit to Paris to look at how participatory budgeting is being delivered in an international context. The study trip was supported by What Works Scotland.