This research report outlines and shares some of the learning about putting Christie into action from collaborative action research and reflection with Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership. It argues that understanding the developing frontier of collaborative and participatory governance will help to identify potential opportunities to make further progress with ‘wicked’ issues like inequality.
Empowering People and Places: What Works?
Conference focused on engaging with research insights into what works, and what does not, in community empowerment, as well as discussing implications for the future of policy and practice in Scotland.
Blog: Can we tackle poverty by changing how we talk about it?
Dr Hayley Bennett from What Works Scotland, discusses the Poverty Alliance’s Stick Your Labels campaign (May 2015) to address the stigma of poverty.
Blog: Time for change – a delegate’s response to Community-led Approaches to Reducing Poverty
Pam Dawson of the Placed-based Programme run by the Lloyds TSB Foundation for Scotland, writes about her experience of the What Works Scotland seminars on reducing poverty held in Clydebank and Dundee in September 2016.
Blog: Systems thinking – Re-imagining public services to tackle inequality
Nick Bland of What Works Scotland, discusses an event in September 2016 which focused on helping people to understand how institutions in society can perpetuate inequality and strategies to change this.
Hard-to-reach or easy-to-ignore? A review of evidence about equality in community engagement launch
This event shared the findings of an evidence review which explores the intersection between community engagement and equality.
Collaborative Action Research Report: Fife Partnership Innovation Team exploring the Family Fun Model
Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which sought to find out why parents came to Family Fun projects in Kirkcaldy and what impact the projects had on their engagement with the primary school and with adult learning. Fife is one of the four What Works Scotland case sites.
Prevention and Prediction: Can we predict the impacts of prevention to inform policy and practice?
Presentations and resources from a seminar delivered jointly by NHS Health Scotland and What Works Scotland exploring how we can predict the impact of prevention on the demand for health and social care.
Fun, Food, Folk: The Centrestage approach to dignified food provision
This research report is focused on Centrestage’s distinct food provision programme in some of the most deprived areas of North and East Ayrshire; Written by Briege Nugent and Oliver Escobar it describes how Centrestage achieves impact, empowers individuals and communities, and draws lessons to inform policy and practice.
The Cost of the Cuts: a social impact tool
Presentation by a research team from the University of Glasgow working with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to produce a Social Impact Tool to help councils assess the impact of cuts on services and the public, particularly on poorer groups of service users.