This opportunity, organised  by What Works Scotland and the Jam and Justice Action Research Co-operative (ARC) based in Greater Manchester, offered a range of facilitated peer exchange and learning activities focused on our shared interests and approaches.

The Jam and Justice Action Research Co-operative (ARC) is based in Greater Manchester and brings together activists, active citizens, practitioners and professionals with academic researchers to design and work together on a series of action research projects on issues from municipal energy provision to neurodiverse political participation and economic alternatives.

Our research programmes share common interests and approaches, characterised by:

  • multi-stakeholder approach: welcoming diverse participation, bringing together different voices, experiences and expertise
  • commitment to social innovation: using our collective resources to address complex problems in our neighbourhoods and cities
  • generation and use of evidence to influence, shape and drive reform and change in how our cities are governed; experimentation and creativity
  • context of constitutional change and devolution of powers

The ARC joined What Works Scotland in Glasgow for a range of facilitated peer exchange and learning activities, including:

Jam and Justice video  and blog about the exchange visit

Watch this film made by Alice Toomer McAlpine from Jam and Justice. It is available from YouTube.

“Both groups agreed that the exchange had been productive as it allowed the exploration of commonality and difference in the range of dilemmas and challenges faced in Greater Manchester and Scottish contexts and strategies/approaches taken to cope with them.”

Read the Jam and Justice blog on the Realising Just Cities website.


See all the tweets at #JJWWS

The event took place in Glasgow and Edinburgh from 29 May to 31 May 2018.
