Conference exploring the role and use of data and evidence as key components in the development, design and delivery of good public services.

Data and evidence are key components in the development, design and delivery of good, effective public services.

Without them it is impossible to determine what is working (or not working), and why, at the different levels of delivery and reform and at the interfaces between those levels.

For research and evidence to be useful to the development of new public services, they have to be able both to describe how things are, and to identify possible improvements. Producing and using evidence is costly, so methods are needed for deciding when and how evidence should be collected and analysed.

In this event we drew on our experiences of working across and with community planning partnerships to explore:

  • the type of evidence used by those who work in our public services
  • the role and place of experiential data and statistical data
  • how decisions are made about whether, when and how we evaluate
  • how this process can be made more transparent, systematic and collaborative.

This event took place on Wednesday 14 November 2018 at The Lighthouse in Glasgow.


Evaluability assessment

Making data meaningful

Practitioner panel


This was the second of three final conferences from What Works Scotland about the present and future of public service reform.

See resources from the first event Empowering People and Places: What works?
