Guest blogger Cormac Russell of Nurture Development continues the discussion on asset-based community development, initiated by an earlier blog.

Author: Cormac Russell, Nurture Development

Date: 7 May 2015

He writes that over the last 30 years, neoliberalism and globalisation have done huge harm to local indigenous living and the major eco-systems of the planet. Consequently, there is a growing global social movement to put people and the planet before corporate interests and consumerism.

One citizen-led example is the Assemblies for Democracy in the UK. The Glasgow, London and Manchester gatherings echoed the message—neoliberalism is a blight on democracy and civic life. Citizens must join in solidarity to reassert the values of localism, and economic and environmental sovereignty.

He argues that there are many ways of describing such movements towards change, but what is common across all such movements is that they are place-based, citizen-led, relationship-driven, capacity-orientated and grounded in the principles of inclusion and social and environmental justice. These are principles also at the heart of asset-based community development (ABCD).