What Works Scotland Community Planning Partnerships partners identified partnership working as a key issue at the heart of public service reform.Karen Seditas shares some of the key findings of a review of research and other evidence about partnership working.

Author: Karen Seditas, What Works Scotland

Date: 16 December 2015

What Works Scotland’s evidence bank has produced a review of research and other evidence about partnership working to help develop practice in this area. It highlights findings and high-level messages to help thinking and prompt discussion about how to improve partnerships.

Karen Seditas shares some of the key findings of the review and implications for policy and practice. Partnership working in UK public services is a complex process shaped by structural, cultural and social factors. Developing and sustaining effective partnership working is challenging.

Key considerations for partnership working include: making sure partnership is the right approach to address an issue; clarity about the aims and objectives; and involving all partners in decision-making.

Read the post on the What Works Scotland blog
