Report that describes the evaluability assessment (EA) process facilitated by What Works Scotland to develop and recommend options to evaluate the Glasgow area-based initiative Thriving Places.

Diagram showing the final Principles and Outcomes for the Thriving Places initiative in Glasgow. Click on the image to see a larger version.
What Works Scotland worked with officers across public services involved with Glasgow’s ten-year area-based initiative, Thriving Places, to support them in the development of an evaluation framework for the Thriving Places programme. Evaluation of area-based initiatives has in the past proved very complex, and showing change has often been difficult to evidence.
To develop and recommend options to evaluate Thriving Places, What Works Scotland facilitated an Evaluability Assessment process involving officers working in Thriving Places. In this report we describe the Thriving Places initiative, and describe the difficulties in evaluation of area-based initiatives, using New Deal for Communities as an example.
We contextualise the evaluation process, explain how the Evaluability Assessment process was conducted, and present the options identified.
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Authors: Richard Brunner, Peter Craig and Nick Watson
Date of publication: March 2017
Type of publication: Evaluability assessment
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