Guest blogger Cormac Russell of Nurture Development continues the May 2015 discussion on asset-based community development, arguing that principles of inclusion and social and environmental justice are at the heart of asset-based community development (ABCD).
Blog: What’s the Matter with Asset-Based Community Development?
Guest blogger Dr Akwugo Emejulu reflects on the relevance of asset-based community development in April 2015. She argues that ABCD, perhaps inadvertently, directly contributes to ‘privatising’ social problems by shifting the responsibility for tackling inequality and injustice from the state to individuals and communities using the rhetoric of ‘community empowerment’.
Blog: Positive conversations, meaningful change – learning from Animating Assets
Animating Assets is a project that explored what difference working in an asset-based way made in communities and services. Dr Jennifer McLean from the Glasgow Centre for Population Health explores what her organisation learned.
Blog: Asset-Based Community Development – Sustainable development is about discoverables; not deliverables
The first in a series of short blogs looking at ABCD, this guest blog written by Cormac Russell from Nurture Development, introduces collective efficacy and grassroots power.