Dr Maureen McBride was a Research Associate at What Works Scotland.

She is now a Research Associate on the Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland project.

About Maureen’s research

Maureen recently completed her ESRC-funded PhD, entitled Rethinking Sectarianism in Scotland, at the University of Glasgow.

She previously worked for the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and What Works Scotland, conducting research on a range of research projects including an exploration of the educational needs and experiences of refugee children in Scotland; analysis of community development responses to hate crime; and an evaluation of the Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications (Scotland) Act 2012.

Maureen most recently co-edited and contributed to No Problem Here: Understanding Racism in Scotland, a book published by Luath Press in January 2018.

Other publications include A Review of the Evidence on Hate Crime and Prejudice: Report for the Independent Advisory Group on Hate Crime, Prejudice and Community Cohesion (Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, 2016) and the report What works to reduce prejudice and discrimination? A review of the evidence (Scottish Government, 2015).

What Works Scotland publications

Educational needs and experiences of refugee children in Scotland (June 2018) – Co-authored

Other publications

LGiU Briefing: Refugee resettlement: the role of Scottish local authorities (July 2018) – Co-authored

Contact Maureen

