What Works Scotland Lead Director | Capabilities Approach lead | What Works Scotland Programme lead

Professor Nicholas Watson is Chair of Disability Studies at the University of Glasgow and a member of the research staff at the Strathclyde Centre for Disability Research.

What Works Scotland publications

Evaluability assessment: An application in a complex community improvement setting

This research article in Evaluation Journal (open access) is based on What Works Scotland fieldwork. It reports on the context, the process undertaken and evidence from participants in an Evaluability Assessment (EA) facilitated with public service workers involved in implementing a complex, area-based community improvement initiative. The authors show how the process allows practitioners at all levels to identify activities for evaluation and co-produce the theory of change developed through the EA.  (June 2019) – Co-authored by Richard Brunner, Peter Craig and Nick Watson.

Other publications

What Works Scotland blog posts

Contact Nick Watson

See more about Nick Watson in his profile on the University of Glasgow website
