This discussion paper supports understanding of the key elements and options for an emerging participatory research agenda to support, inform and critically consider the development of the community economy in Scotland, and more widely.
The Scottish approach to public service reform: lessons from What Works Scotland – seminar
What Works Scotland shared and discussed key learning from the overall WWS programme, offering an overview of findings from eight areas of research and practice.
Strengthening Community Councils: Exploring how they can contribute to democratic renewal in Scotland
Report from the Scottish Community Development Centre and What Works Scotland explores the role and relevance of community councils in Scotland’s evolving policy context, especially as public service reform continues through the Scottish Government’s Local Governance Review.
Participation and representation: Strengthening the third sector voice in local governance
Case study which highlights the work of STRiVE, a third sector interface in East Lothian, and its initiative to strengthen the participation of third sector organisations in local governance.
Policy briefing – Mainstreaming participatory budgeting: What works in building foundations for a more participatory democracy?
Policy briefing that reviews how participatory budgeting (PB) has become central to advancing three policy agendas in Scotland – public service reform, community empowerment and social justice – and examines the requirements to mainstream PB including the co-production of new systems, new mindsets and ways of working.
Community Planning after the Community Empowerment Act: The Second Survey of Community Planning Officials in Scotland
Report and executive summary of the findings from the second survey of community planning officials in Scotland, conducted in 2018. It compares the results to those from the 2016 survey and offers an overview of key dynamics, challenges and accomplishments over those two years, with a particular focus on the Community Empowerment Act.
Webinar: Transforming communities? Exploring the roles of community anchor organisations in public service reform – supporting, leading and challenging?
Webinar looking at the role of community anchors in public service reform, drawing on our research report on community-led, holistic community organisations.
Webinar: Participatory budgeting and its potential for community empowerment and social justice
Audio, slides and transcription from a webinar which looked what needs to happen to ensure that the mainstreaming of PB simultaneously carves out space for more complex participatory and deliberative processes in local government decision-making.
Empowering People and Places: What Works?
Conference focused on engaging with research insights into what works, and what does not, in community empowerment, as well as discussing implications for the future of policy and practice in Scotland.
Submission to Locality’s Inquiry: Keeping It Local Call for Evidence
What Works Scotland’s submission to the Locality inquiry Keeping it Local in July 2018, a call for the latest thinking and practice shaping the future of our public services