Two directors of What Works Scotland have recently shared their expertise and insights with the Scottish Parliament.

Dr Oliver Escobar, Lecturer in Public Policy at the University of Edinburgh, spoke to the Commission on Parliamentary Reform on 25 November.

The Commission is looking at how the Scottish Parliament can engage better with the people of Scotland and how its work can be improved to deliver better scrutiny.

Oliver’s summary notes and ideas about the issue of widening participation and engagement in parliamentary business is available on the Citizen Participation Network blog.

Professor Ken Gibb, Professor in Housing Economics at the University of Glasgow and Director of Policy Scotland, attended the Local Government and Communities Committee which took evidence related to scrutiny of the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2017-18 on 16 November.

This business report includes Ken’s contributions, and is available on the Scottish Parliament website.

Ken returned to the Scottish Parliament the following day to speak to the Social Security Committee about work programme priorities during a discussion about the impact on Scotland of the new welfare reforms. You can read the official report of the meeting here.
