The latest Maurice Bloch lecture at Glasgow University’s Institute of Health and Wellbeing was given by Dr Sridhar Venkatapuram, who spoke on Why Health Capability? The necessity for conceptual clarity in pursuing health justice, and chaired by What Works Scotland research associate Richard Brunner.
Exploring collaborative learning, research and action in public service reform: Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Change Fund Beyond Action Learning initiative
Co-produced report that illustrates 10 key issues for the practice of collaborative and inquiring approaches to partnership working for health and social care integration. These are from the Beyond Action Learning project in Aberdeenshire which used an ‘action learning set’ approach.
Learning about community capacity-building from the Community Links Worker approach in Insch, Aberdeenshire (2013-16): a collaborative action research inquiry (cycle 1)
This action research report looks at community capacity-building which improves health and wellbeing and supports the process of health and social care integration. It focuses on a Community Links project in rural Aberdeenshire, and identifies good practice in community linking, its development and spread.