Professor Ken Gibb of What Works Scotland reflects on an event focused around the enhanced delivery of the Government’s ongoing housing strategy.

Author: Ken Gibb, What Works Scotland

Date: 16 December 2014

Ken Gibb of What Works Scotland reflects on an event focused around the enhanced delivery of the Government’s ongoing housing strategy, and how it is relevant to What Works Scotland.

The housing sector event brought together private, public and third sector stakeholders. What Works Scotland hosted a fringe event, introducing What Works Scotland, and suggesting it had specific resonance for the future evolution of housing policy and practice.

Why is housing so relevant to What Works Scotland? Housing delivery tends to be participative and co-produced. This is clearly true for new supply by the market and by the third sector – it has to involve local government and many other actors to make it happen and increasingly we have community interests and residents to consider too.

Read the post on the What Works Scotland blog.
