This report ‘scopes’ or explores the discussions across a Collaborative Learning Day in Aberdeenshire as a group of approximately 40 people from public, third/community and research sectors in sought to think further about what it means to put ‘Christie’ into action.


What does it mean to put ‘Christie’ into action?

This report ‘scopes’ or explores the discussions across this Collaborative Learning Day as a group of approximately 40 people from public, third/community and research sectors sought to think further about both taking forward and deepening our understanding of public service reform in Aberdeenshire; a public service reform informed by the Christie Commission’s 2011 report.

There are three different ‘voices’ active within this report:

  • the central voice of experience in Aberdeenshire through discussions on the Day
  • the contextual voice that introduces and informed the work on the Day
  • some emerging thoughts from What Works Scotland on ‘what next?’

This is very much the beginning of perhaps several ‘conversations’ and inquiries – in the broadest sense – during 2016 involving different parts of the CPP, the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and the third/community sector.

Appendix 2 illustrates What Works Scotland’s collaborative inquiry cycle of three phases – preparing the ground (scoping); considering evidence; and testing actions. This scoping report can then help to support a range of focused conversations and inquiries that seek to inform developing public service reform in Aberdeenshire.

Download the publication

Scoping Report from the Aberdeenshire CPP and What Works Scotland’s Collaborative Learning Day on 8 December 2015 (PDF)

More details

Authors: James Henderson and Nick Bland

Publication date: June 2016

Publication type: Event report
