Our workplan until December 2018 builds on and deepens our analysis of the data we have collected in our four case sites and other workstreams.
We will place particular emphasis on developing evidence-informed learning to challenge existing inequalities with a focus on outcomes.
The key issues will be centred around:
- partnership and collaborative working
- outcomes and evaluation
- building community capacity
- prevention
- leadership
Our objectives will bring together the learning from across our programme of work.
They have been designed to also allow us to explore how practices such as leadership, partnership, integrated learning and workforce development intersect.
They have been developed to ensure that policy and practice are informed by the best available research evidence.
The 13 objectives are:
- What works in prevention
- Place-based approaches to public service reform
- Leadership in a complex multi-agency environment – public service leadership
- Developing evaluation strategies for public service reform
- Spreading the learning
- Working with capabilities and outcomes
- Scrutiny and inspection – scrutiny for improvement
- What works in integration
- What works in getting evidence into action in public service reform
- To support the development of cohesive approach to delivering evidence services to decision-makers in public-service reform with key national knowledge partners to ensure there is a system of evidence support for public service reform in Scotland
- Establishing what works in community engagement and empowerment
- Improving governance in community planning
- What works in public service reform: sharing evidence base/learning
The objectives are organised around four key areas
- Policy development at national and local levels: Sharing lessons about what works in a establishing different ways of working, and in leadership, prevention, integration, and collaboration
- Improvement of PSR planning and delivery: Issues of efficiency, workforce development, evidence use, evaluation and co-ordination of national support with local delivery
- Community: Community engagement and empowerment, place-based approaches, skills for working with communities, equality issue and co-production
- University: Supporting engaged and applied scholarship, including academic insights to tackle practical PSR issues, developing better linkage between universities, public services and communities, and improving skills for impact.