Reflections and Learning from the Fife Collaborative Action Research Programme 2015-2017

This collaborative action research (CAR) report highlights some of the learning from the CAR programme in Fife. The content covers both the positive learning that resulted from bringing together a diverse range of practitioners to undertake an inquiry, and the challenges inherent in that process. The report was co-produced by practitioners in Fife and What Works Scotland.

Collaborative action research report: Working in partnership to support students with additional needs

Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which looked at the role of partnership working with schools to address the needs of young people with additional support needs. Fife is one of four case sites where What Works Scotland has worked with community planning partnerships to undertake collaborative action research into public service reform.

Book launch – The People’s Verdict: Adding Informed Citizen Voices to Public Decision-Making

Claudia Chwalisz will present the key findings in The People’s Verdict, a study of 50 long-form deliberative processes, where randomly selected citizens have played key roles in decision-making.The session will include opportunities for participants to discuss the book’s findings and the role that Scotland can play in advancing democratic innovation.