Report and case studies co-produced by Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership and What Works Scotland, which discuss areas of emerging policy and practice as the CPP explores ‘putting Christie into action’ and opportunities arising from the Community Empowerment Act.
Building Connections: Co-locating advice services in general practices and job centres
Report published by the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and supported by What Works Scotland, which reviews a series of collaborative service delivery projects designed to improve social and economic outcomes for people experiencing poverty in Glasgow.
Conducting CAR with public services: insights from the research process
How What Works Scotland is sharing our insights and learning from working with a range of public service partners to co-produce research inquiries and processes using a collaborative action research (CAR) approach.
Co-production and Public Service Reform
Seminar which looked at the role of co-production, its role in reforming public services and how co-production can best be used to help develop sustainable and effective public services. Part of Co-production Week Scotland 2017.
Collaborative action research report: Working in partnership to support students with additional needs
Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which looked at the role of partnership working with schools to address the needs of young people with additional support needs. Fife is one of four case sites where What Works Scotland has worked with community planning partnerships to undertake collaborative action research into public service reform.
Collaborative Action Research Report: Fife Partnership Innovation Team exploring the Family Fun Model
Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which sought to find out why parents came to Family Fun projects in Kirkcaldy and what impact the projects had on their engagement with the primary school and with adult learning. Fife is one of the four What Works Scotland case sites.
Fife Collaborative Action Research – Second Home Retreat: Critical reflections and lessons on implementation
This research report is an overview of the activities at the second home retreat held as part of the collaborative action research programme in Fife. It has details of some of the tailored facilitative activities and learning on the process to date.
Exploring collaborative learning, research and action in public service reform: Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Change Fund Beyond Action Learning initiative
Co-produced report that illustrates 10 key issues for the practice of collaborative and inquiring approaches to partnership working for health and social care integration. These are from the Beyond Action Learning project in Aberdeenshire which used an ‘action learning set’ approach.
Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
Report of an event held in December 2015 to explore evidence about effective partnership working with those working in and with public services. Summary Partnership working is central to the public services reform agenda across the UK and beyond, yet
Collaborative Action Research Fife Home Retreat Report
Report from the first Fife Home Retreat in October 2015, which outlines some of the collaborative action research work with representatives from Fife Community Planning Partnership.