What Works Scotland research associate, James Henderson reflects on developments in discussed at the Health and Social Care Benchmarking Network’s national conference on 3 December 2015
Blog: Collaboration, Control and Choice in a Person Centred Scotland
Alex Stobart of Mydex Community Interest Company about collaboration and more person-centred services. Published January 2016.
Blog: Understanding and utilising social security sanctions data at the local level
This blog from January 2016 by Dr Hayley Bennett, What Works Scotland, Gary Smith and Coryn Barclay from Fife Council, explores the sanctions data available through the Department of Work and Pensions and how it can be used at a local level.
Blog: Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
What Works Scotland Community Planning Partnerships partners identified partnership working as a key issue at the heart of public service reform.Karen Seditas shares some of the key findings of a review of research and other evidence about partnership working.
Blog: Getting Knowledge into Action in Fife
Report from a What Works Scotland event where 50 people from across Fife Council, the health, and voluntary sectors met to discuss how to get knowledge into action in Fife. It followed a previous national event on Getting Knowledge in Action in Public Services, held in Edinburgh earlier in 2015.
Blog: People making a difference in communities … a participatory cross-sector conference
What Works Scotland research associate James Henderson presents highlights from a conference held in November 2015, focused on people who make a difference in communities.
Blog: Community Anchors and Opportunities for Locally-led Public Service Reform
James Henderson reflects on his think piece from November 2015 which considers the potential for community anchors and the community sector to be central to local democratic and inequalities-focused approaches to public service reform in Scotland.
Blog: Decision Making – Does Anyone Care?
What Works Scotland research fellow Rosemary Anderson reflects, in November 2015, on the relationship between decision-making and caring in public policy work.
Blog: Engaging with the Edges
The first of a trilogy of posts in which What Works Scotland’s guest blogger Patricia Anne Rodger explores the issues around those deemed ‘hard to reach’. The first blog looks at social shorthand and stigma.
Blog: Taking A Distributed Perspective to Leading & Managing
Professor James Spillane from the School of Education and Social Policy at North-western University, Illinois, explains in October 2015 why he considers distributive leadership a fascinating topic and essential to successful school leadership.