Report which describes the process by which STRiVE, the TSI for East Lothian, with support from What Works Scotland, opened a conversation with local third sector organisations to discuss effective participation and representation.
‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? Promoting equality in community engagement – Evidence review
Evidence review that examines what is being done to overcome inequality in community engagement, using evidence from Scotland and the UK. Published by What Works Scotland in December 2017.
Fun, Food, Folk: The Centrestage approach to dignified food provision
This research report is focused on Centrestage’s distinct food provision programme in some of the most deprived areas of North and East Ayrshire; Written by Briege Nugent and Oliver Escobar it describes how Centrestage achieves impact, empowers individuals and communities, and draws lessons to inform policy and practice.
Community Anchors
This think piece reflects on the potential of multi-purpose, independent community-led organisations, often called community anchors, to lead on ‘highly localised’ service design and delivery, and related local economic, social and democratic developments.
Sharing insights at CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference
Sharing insights and working with the third sector was the focus for What Works Scotland researchers at the CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference.
Reimagining Community Planning in Scotland: A Vision from the Third Sector
A working paper from What Works Scotland written by Oliver Escobar on behalf of members of third sector interfaces and Voluntary Action Scotland. The paper collates the discussions and outcomes from a two-day forum to review evidence and deliberate on the future of community planning. It contains 17 vision statements related to four themes.