Presenters and speakers at the CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference

Presenters and speakers at the CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference

Sharing insights and working with the third sector was the focus for What Works Scotland researchers at the CVS Inverclyde Third Sector Conference.

Professor Ken Gibb and Dr Claire Bynner spoke about What Works Scotland’s Reflections on Prevention, Place-based Approaches and Regeneration.

Ian Bruce, Chief Executive Officer, CVS Inverclyde, said: “The conference focused on empowering people and communities to take on greater responsibility and work in partnership to help tackle inequalities, as we looked at early intervention and the long-term benefits that can bring.”

Some of the organisers, speakers and attendees of the conference explain the  value of the event to them in this video on the Inverclyde TV website

Claire said: “It think it is incredibly useful to be able to come to events like this where we can discuss our work with people involved in the third sector. It means we can share insights that support their work but also have the opportunity to learn from them and their experience.”

CVS Inverclyde has also invited Claire to join its Board. CVS Inverclyde champions the role of the third sector and helps build successful communities by providing clear, friendly advice and support to more than 600 community groups, voluntary organisations and social enterprises which operate across the region.

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