Think piece by Alison Grant from Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action in which she reflects on the issues that arise when developing community linking approaches to build capacity in the community to support health and social care integration
Blog: Understanding and utilising social security sanctions data at the local level
This blog from January 2016 by Dr Hayley Bennett, What Works Scotland, Gary Smith and Coryn Barclay from Fife Council, explores the sanctions data available through the Department of Work and Pensions and how it can be used at a local level.
Blog: Getting Knowledge into Action in Fife
Report from a What Works Scotland event where 50 people from across Fife Council, the health, and voluntary sectors met to discuss how to get knowledge into action in Fife. It followed a previous national event on Getting Knowledge in Action in Public Services, held in Edinburgh earlier in 2015.
Blog: Mapping the frontiers of collaborative governance
Exploration of a March 2018 report generated by the work of What Works Scotland, Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership and partners into emerging multi-layered preventative partnership working in the Aberdeenshire area.
Blog: Reflections on the welfare inquiry experience – Building and enhancing partnership working
Gary Smith, a member of the Fife welfare reform inquiry team reflects, in December 2017, on the experience and impact of the collaborative action research activities for What Works Scotland.
Blog: Making data meaningful in West Dunbartonshire
Blog about a project which examines how evidence is being used in West Dunbartonshire to make decisions and how it could be made more useful for community planning partners and local communities.
Blog: Working with What Works Scotland
Francesca Ainsworth, Sophie Humphries and Ally Macleod from Aberdeenshire Council highlight their plans for working with What Works Scotland in December 2014.
Blog: What Works in Fife?
Tim Kendrick, strategic lead for the Fife What Works Scotland case site area, explains in November 2014 what the collaborative work will focus on in his area.
Blog: Meet the WWS staff, Research Fellows Richard Brunner and Claire Bynner
Mini-biographies of two of the research associates when they started working for What Works Scotland in the case study areas, West Dunbartonshire and Glasgow.
Blog: ‘Fractals’, Community Planning and Placed-based Policy Geography in West Dunbartonshire
What Works Scotland’s Ken Gibb and Claire Bynner reflect on starting work with West Dunbartonshire Council as one of our What Works Scotland case study partners. The blog looks at key challenges and shifting to an integrated preventative agenda.