Thriving Places case studies

Two case studies produced by practitioners in Glasgow Community Planning Partnership’s Thriving Places about asset mapping and community consultation processes. Thriving Places is a ten-year commitment from Glasgow CPP to combat inequalities and achieve better outcomes for residents in nine neighbourhoods experiencing high levels of deprivation.

Collaborative Inquiry Exploring Data and Knowledge-sharing Practices in Responses to Welfare Sanctions

Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which examined data about welfare sanctions and how it can be used to support people who are at risk of or receive a benefit sanction. Fife is one of the four case sites where What Works Scotland has worked with community planning partnerships using collaborative action research for public service reform.

Learning from a theatre group that provides food with dignity – research published

Research findings about a dignified food provision programme operated by Centrestage, a community arts and theatre organisation, started as a result of the organisation’s commitment to fostering individual and community wellbeing. What Works Scotland research report highlights the key lessons from the Centrestage example that are valuable for developing future public services.