The first comprehensive scoping review of 28 studies of ten interventions which unconditionally provided substantial cash transfers to individuals or families.
An outcome-focused evaluation of High Life: Highland’s Falls Prevention Programme
An outcome-focused evaluation of High Life Highland’s programme to prevent falls by older adults.
‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? Promoting equality in community engagement – Evidence review
Evidence review that examines what is being done to overcome inequality in community engagement, using evidence from Scotland and the UK. Published by What Works Scotland in December 2017.
Evaluation of Police and Fire Reform
Annual evaluations of the police and fire reform, which aim to assess if the aims of the reform have been met, identify lessons for future public service reform and evaluate the wider impact of the reform. The evaluations are produced by What Works Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Policing Research and ScotCen for Scottish Government.
Tackling Child Poverty: Actions to Prevent and Mitigate Child Poverty at the Local Level
This evidence review and briefing offers practicable steps to support local authorities and community planning partnerships to mitigate and prevent child poverty and identify early trigger signs that may suggest an increased risk of poverty.
Actions to prevent and mitigate child poverty in South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership
Evidence review presenting evidence to support South Ayrshire local authority and community planning partnership to mitigate and prevent child poverty and identify early trigger signs that may suggest an increased risk of poverty. An evidence briefing summarises the review.
Partnership working across UK public services
This evidence review and briefing presents evidence brings together evidence from empirical research on UK public service partnerships to provide an understanding of the ways in which partnership working processes inter-relate to influence the success of the partnership.
Scaling-up Innovations
Evidence review and briefing that considers the existing evidence on how small scale innovation can be effectively scaled up to create large scale transformational change.
Review of First Generation Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
Paper reviewing the evidence about participatory budgeting processes in Scotland up to June 2016. It examines the growth and development of the first generation of participatory budgeting in Scotland in order to generate insight to support the strategic and operational leadership and delivery of future participatory budgeting .