Case study that examines how the approach and learning from a successful violence and anti-social behaviour intervention has spread to two other communities. The report shows how the distinct characteristics of the Operation Modulus approach support the principles and practice of public service reform, more widely and in relation to other issues.
Evidence to Action: what works for public service reform
Seminar to present key What Works Scotland learnings from Evidence to Action projects and practical advice and tools for incorporating the use of evidence in decision-making and public service delivery.
Blog: Reforming services – the example of refugee support
Joe Brady from the Scottish Refugee Council explains an organisational change process that led to a sharper focus on assets. Here, he explains how service redesign was achieved.
Busy year ahead for What Works Scotland
2018 is the last year for What Works Scotland so we’ll be focused on drawing together the findings from the different strands of our work and spreading the word about what’s been learnt about collaborative public service reform.
What Works Scotland funded to spread and embed learning
What Works Scotland has secured funding for an extra year. This will allow us to consolidate and further spread the learning that we have learnt from our collaborations with organisations and individuals from across the public sector in Scotland.
Evaluating the impact of participatory budgeting
How What Works Scotland and Glasgow community planning partners used a collaborative action research model, to develop an evaluation approach to assess the impact of participatory budgeting activities and a PB evaluation toolkit.
Generating case study evidence in Glasgow’s Thriving Places
Practitioners in Glasgow and What Works Scotland worked together to produce these two case studies to present evidence of the work from the city’s Thriving Places. Part of the collaborative action research work between Glasgow Community Planning Partnership and What Works Scotland.
Thriving Places case studies
Two case studies produced by practitioners in Glasgow Community Planning Partnership’s Thriving Places about asset mapping and community consultation processes. Thriving Places is a ten-year commitment from Glasgow CPP to combat inequalities and achieve better outcomes for residents in nine neighbourhoods experiencing high levels of deprivation.
Perspectives on Knowledge into Action in education and public service reform: A review of relevant literature and an outline framework for change
This paper presents a literature review on what works in Knowledge into Action in education including an examination of evidence-based models that support the effective translation of knowledge within the Scottish education system. It brings together ideas from What Works Scotland and the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change.
Evidence to Action in public service delivery: an overview of What Works Scotland knowledge partners
Short report exploring the What Works Scotland knowledge partners’ Evidence to Action activity in the context of public service delivery to provide an overview of the evidence approaches provided.