Report and resources from a collaborative action research inquiry in Fife which examined data about welfare sanctions and how it can be used to support people who are at risk of or receive a benefit sanction. Fife is one of the four case sites where What Works Scotland has worked with community planning partnerships using collaborative action research for public service reform.
How to Design Collaborative Action Research
A guide intended to assist practitioners in a wide range of public service organisations to extend their practical skills to design collaborative action research projects that engage a broad constituency and encourage the involvement of colleagues who are less familiar with the approach.
Rationales for Place-based Approaches in Scotland
Working paper that aims to remove the confusion surrounding what place-based approaches are, the rationales behind their use, the development of this approach to public service reform in Scotland and the future challenges presented by austerity and welfare reform.
Exploring collaborative learning, research and action in public service reform: Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Change Fund Beyond Action Learning initiative
Co-produced report that illustrates 10 key issues for the practice of collaborative and inquiring approaches to partnership working for health and social care integration. These are from the Beyond Action Learning project in Aberdeenshire which used an ‘action learning set’ approach.
Collaborative Action Retreat Report – Summary of retreat held in June 2015
Report of the first collaborative action research retreat for representatives from Aberdeenshire, Fife, Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire – our case site partners – and the What Works Scotland team, held in June 2015.
Supporting Collaborative Action Research: Developing a more systematic approach
This working paper describes the approach followed by the What Works Scotland team in carrying out a ‘mini-inquiry’ exercise to develop the What Works Scotland collaborative action research framework.
“Challenge current practice and assumptions! Make waves!!” What Works Scotland Collaborative Learning Event
Report from a national collaborative learning event for the practitioners from the community planning partnerships in the four What Works Scotland case sites: Aberdeenshire, Fife, Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire. It describes the purpose, the activities, and the shared learning from the event, held in February 2016.
Scoping Report from the Aberdeenshire CPP and What Works Scotland’s Collaborative Learning Day 8 December 2015
This report ‘scopes’ or explores the discussions across a Collaborative Learning Day in Aberdeenshire as a group of approximately 40 people from public, third/community and research sectors in sought to think further about what it means to put ‘Christie’ into action.
Community-led Action Planning Day event report. West Dunbartonshire, October 2015
A report from a community-led action planning event organised by What Works Scotland and West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Partnership in October 2015.
Collaborative Action Research Fife Home Retreat Report
Report from the first Fife Home Retreat in October 2015, which outlines some of the collaborative action research work with representatives from Fife Community Planning Partnership.