Findings from an interim evaluation of ‘Your Community’, a neighbourhood-level, place-based approach to public service reform in West Dunbartonshire, aimed at supporting communities to become more sustainable, thriving, and aspirational, and to improve service delivery.
WWS keynote at Perth and Kinross Community Planning Conference
What Works Scotland research associate Dr Claire Bynner presented the keynote address at Stronger Communities, the Perth and Kinross Community Planning Conference, on Wednesday 15 November 2017.
Our approach to collaborative action research

The What Works Scotland approach to collaborative action research and the learning that is emerging from our work in multi-agency, multi-practitioner public service environments.
Rationales for Place-based Approaches in Scotland
Working paper that aims to remove the confusion surrounding what place-based approaches are, the rationales behind their use, the development of this approach to public service reform in Scotland and the future challenges presented by austerity and welfare reform.
What Works in Community Profiling? Initial reflections from the WWS project in West Dunbartonshire
Case site paper that discusses the experience of What Works Scotland, the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and the West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Team in developing community profiles for the purposes of place-based working.
Collaborative Action Retreat Report – Summary of retreat held in June 2015
Report of the first collaborative action research retreat for representatives from Aberdeenshire, Fife, Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire – our case site partners – and the What Works Scotland team, held in June 2015.
“Challenge current practice and assumptions! Make waves!!” What Works Scotland Collaborative Learning Event
Report from a national collaborative learning event for the practitioners from the community planning partnerships in the four What Works Scotland case sites: Aberdeenshire, Fife, Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire. It describes the purpose, the activities, and the shared learning from the event, held in February 2016.
Community-led Action Planning Day event report. West Dunbartonshire, October 2015
A report from a community-led action planning event organised by What Works Scotland and West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Partnership in October 2015.
Changing Lives, Delivering Success
What Works Scotland presentation at the Scottish Government’s 2015 Community Planning Conference entitled Changing Lives, Delivering Success: Turning Ambition into Action.
West Dunbartonshire
Publications and outputs from the collaborative action research between What works Scotland and West Dunbartonshire community planning partners.