James Henderson, Research Associate with What Works Scotland, considers the final reflective learning report from the Aberdeenshire case site – At the frontier of collaborative and participatory governance – which offers eight discussions that could be used to inform ongoing dialogue with a public service partnership.
Blog: Tackling health inequalities means more than service reform and design
Guest blogger Chris Littlejohn, Deputy Director of Public Health with NHS Grampian, responds to At the frontier of Collaborative and Participatory Governance: Eight Discussions to support putting Christie into action, a report by What Works Scotland and Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership which reflects on the learning from their collaborative work.
Key messages about public service reform in Scotland
An introduction to What Works Scotland’s lessons for public service reform in Scotland, published at the conclusion of the four-year programme, and the report to download.
Strengthening Community Councils: Exploring how they can contribute to democratic renewal in Scotland
Report from the Scottish Community Development Centre and What Works Scotland explores the role and relevance of community councils in Scotland’s evolving policy context, especially as public service reform continues through the Scottish Government’s Local Governance Review.
Exploring perceived opportunities and challenges of Participation Requests in Scotland
This research explores how key stakeholders and potential users of the Participation Request mechanism articulate and frame the associated challenges and opportunities. The Scottish Government introduced a new process for community engagement, known as Part 3 (Participation Requests) of the
Global campaign for dialogue: Speak 2018!
What Works Scotland is sharing knowledge about ways of enabling communities to make their voice heard, take part in decision-making and generate constructive dialogue from differing viewpoints as part of a global campaign starting tomorrow (16 November 2018). Speak! 2018
Participatory governance
Resources about participatory governance in Scotland, including community councils, mini-publics, citizens’ juries, and involvement in democracy.
Insights into co-production of public services, including analysis of successful examples and reflections on issues and opportunities in co-production.
Community engagement
Resources and research to support community engagement including the national standards, issues of inequality, and developing skills for facilitating meaningful and useful engagement.
Place-based approaches
A short introduction to place-based approaches, a holistic approach that can cross policy sectors and silos, and links to key resources to learn more.