What Works Scotland has launched the second nationwide survey of people working in community planning in Scotland.
Transforming communities? Exploring the roles of community anchor organisations in public service reform, local democracy, community resilience and social change
Report, summary and policy briefing which explores the developing role of key independent community sector organisations known as community anchors. Using six exemplars, it identifies characteristics of a community anchor organisations and their roles in engaging with, leading and challenging public service reform, local democracy, community resilience and social change.
Peer learning opportunity between What Works Scotland and Jam and Justice Action Research Co-operative (Greater Manchester)
Peer learning opportunity, organised by What Works Scotland and the Jam and Justice Action Research Collective (ARC) based in Greater Manchester, which offered a range of facilitated peer exchange and learning activities focused on our shared interests and approaches.
Third sector participation and representation in East Lothian
Report which describes the process by which STRiVE, the TSI for East Lothian, with support from What Works Scotland, opened a conversation with local third sector organisations to discuss effective participation and representation.
WWS and SCDC collaborating on review of community councils in Scotland
What Works Scotland and the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) are carrying out participatory research with community councillors, support officers and key local and national stakeholders to identify how community councils can have greater relevance and explore what opportunities exist for them to make a difference in the areas they represent.
Evaluation of Police and Fire Reform
Annual evaluations of the police and fire reform, which aim to assess if the aims of the reform have been met, identify lessons for future public service reform and evaluate the wider impact of the reform. The evaluations are produced by What Works Scotland, the Scottish Institute for Policing Research and ScotCen for Scottish Government.
Mini-publics: examples and resources
Examples of mini-publics which what Works Scotland has been involved with, and reflections on what we have learnt from these experiments.
WWS evidence about mini-publics used in parliamentary reform report
The Report on the Scottish Parliament, published this week by the Commission on Parliamentary Reform, includes ideas for democratic innovation based on research and evidence from What Works Scotland.
Timeline for development of Scottish Government’s ‘National Performance Framework’ and outcomes
This document, produced by the Scottish Parliament Information Centre, summarises the key policy development stages and timeline for the Scottish National Performance Framework and Outcomes Approach
Timeline for development of Community Planning in Scotland
This document summarises the key policy development stages and timeline for the Community Planning model in Scotland.