What Works Scotland research fellow Dr Hayley Bennett outlines some key ideas from her February 2018 presentation on collaborative practice and public service reform in Scotland.
Evidence to Action: what works for public service reform
Seminar to present key What Works Scotland learnings from Evidence to Action projects and practical advice and tools for incorporating the use of evidence in decision-making and public service delivery.
Why Attitudes to Poverty Matter: What the Evidence Says
A policy seminar that explored how we can use evidence to challenge stereotypes and address poverty . The event was part of Challenge Poverty Week 2017.
Power, Health and Social Justice event at GCPH
Power, health and social justice is the focus for the next event in the Healthier Futures Forum, organised by Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) with a short presentation on How power inequalities shape policy conversations from What Works Scotland co-director Oliver Escobar.
A life-first approach: What citizens want from support services
This partnership event in November 2017 with Carnegie UK Trust and the University of Edinburgh discussed the findings of the What Do Citizens Want? research on how support services fit into people’s day to day lives.
See the PB conference report and videos – online now
See the reports, thoughts and reactions from the first major participatory budgeting conference in Scotland, which brought together almost 200 people in October 2016 to learn about participatory budgeting (PB) and see how it can help shape democracy in Scotland and beyond.
New National Standards for Community Engagement
The revised National Standards for Community Engagement have been launched following work by What Works Scotland and the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to undertake a full review and refresh of the original standards.