In this seminar Professor Daniel Muijs, Head of Research at OfSTED, spoke about encouraging the development of evidence-informed approaches across the education sector.
Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland
About the Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland, a five-year project in Bridgeton and Dalmarnock in Glasgow which brings people together to do more for children and young people, which will develop and pilot a practical example of the What Works Scotland approach to place-based change.
International advisers call for culture of collaboration in Scottish education
The initial report from the First Minister of Scotland’s International Council of Educational Advisors (ICEA) has highlighted the need to focus on cultural change and capacity-building as well as structural reform.
Public service reform, scrutiny and inspection: Where to next?
Seminar that drew together a range of key stakeholders to explore and reflect on the implications for the future of scrutiny and inspection in Scotland.
How to Design Collaborative Action Research
A guide intended to assist practitioners in a wide range of public service organisations to extend their practical skills to design collaborative action research projects that engage a broad constituency and encourage the involvement of colleagues who are less familiar with the approach.
Perspectives on Knowledge into Action in education and public service reform: A review of relevant literature and an outline framework for change
This paper presents a literature review on what works in Knowledge into Action in education including an examination of evidence-based models that support the effective translation of knowledge within the Scottish education system. It brings together ideas from What Works Scotland and the Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change.
29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement – State of the Art Briefings
The four briefing papers presented at the 29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement in January 2016 to stimulate discussion about what educational research might learn from other disciplines.
What Works Scotland enables policy co-production for education inspection
What Works Scotland and the Robert Owen Centre facilitated a seminar with key stakeholders from within the education system. The session involved in-depth ideas and knowledge exchange designed to support the development of the inspection strategy.