Exploration of a March 2018 report generated by the work of What Works Scotland, Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership and partners into emerging multi-layered preventative partnership working in the Aberdeenshire area.
Blog: Working with What Works Scotland
Francesca Ainsworth, Sophie Humphries and Ally Macleod from Aberdeenshire Council highlight their plans for working with What Works Scotland in December 2014.
Blog: Changing alcohol culture – developing our LOIP priority and what we’ve learnt about partnership working
An article that explores how Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership approached changing Aberdeenshire’s relationship with alcohol and what they learned from the experience.
The potential of community anchor organisations to engage with, lead and challenge the reform of public services in Scotland
This seminar shared our learnings about community anchors and their role in public service reform. It offered space for dialogue, discussion and deliberation on community anchors, the community sector and their relationship to public service reform.
Inquiring into Multi-layered, Preventative Partnership
Report and case studies co-produced by Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership and What Works Scotland, which discuss areas of emerging policy and practice as the CPP explores ‘putting Christie into action’ and opportunities arising from the Community Empowerment Act.
Sharing our findings from new approach to police-community engagement
What Works Scotland is sharing its findings from a trial of a ‘mini-public’ process to enable communities and public services to interact more meaningfully. What Works Scotland joined forces with police, fire and council services in the North East of Scotland to experiment with a citizens’ jury .
Our approach to collaborative action research
The What Works Scotland approach to collaborative action research and the learning that is emerging from our work in multi-agency, multi-practitioner public service environments.
None of us is as smart as all of us!!
The Beyond Action Learning initiative (2011-13) used an action learning set approach and improvement methodologies to support collaborative working between health and social care services in Aberdeenshire. The initiative was facilitated by Fiona Soutar, from NHS Grampian, and Jane Warrander,
Exploring collaborative learning, research and action in public service reform: Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Change Fund Beyond Action Learning initiative
Co-produced report that illustrates 10 key issues for the practice of collaborative and inquiring approaches to partnership working for health and social care integration. These are from the Beyond Action Learning project in Aberdeenshire which used an ‘action learning set’ approach.
Collaborative Action Retreat Report – Summary of retreat held in June 2015
Report of the first collaborative action research retreat for representatives from Aberdeenshire, Fife, Glasgow and West Dunbartonshire – our case site partners – and the What Works Scotland team, held in June 2015.