Seminar which looked at the role of co-production, its role in reforming public services and how co-production can best be used to help develop sustainable and effective public services. Part of Co-production Week Scotland 2017.
Preventing and mitigating child poverty
This event, organised by What Works Scotland and the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships, explored the evidence and issues surrounding actions to tackle child poverty locally in Scotland. It launched ‘Tackling child poverty: Actions to prevent and mitigate child poverty at the local level’, an accessible, action-oriented evidence review produced by What Works Scotland’s Evidence Bank.
Poverty, schools and inequality: reducing the cost of the school day
Seminar to understand the impact of the costs of school on the poorest parents and reflect on how the Pupil Equity Fund might be used to effectively tackle inequalities and reduce the attainment gap.
People, Prejudice and Planning: Community-based responses to promoting equality and tackling hate
Seminar that looked at the experiences of community-based projects working locally on combating prejudice. It reflected on experience of doing this work and explored the lessons being learnt about how to support it.
Public service reform, scrutiny and inspection: Where to next?
Seminar that drew together a range of key stakeholders to explore and reflect on the implications for the future of scrutiny and inspection in Scotland.
Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
Report of an event held in December 2015 to explore evidence about effective partnership working with those working in and with public services. Summary Partnership working is central to the public services reform agenda across the UK and beyond, yet
Community Planning – Maximising Potential
An event to update delegates on the latest developments within community planning and enable the sharing of knowledge and practical support to help improve community participation, public service delivery and outcomes. Held on September 2015.
The Cost of the Cuts: a social impact tool
Presentation by a research team from the University of Glasgow working with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation to produce a Social Impact Tool to help councils assess the impact of cuts on services and the public, particularly on poorer groups of service users.
What Works Scotland enables policy co-production for education inspection
What Works Scotland and the Robert Owen Centre facilitated a seminar with key stakeholders from within the education system. The session involved in-depth ideas and knowledge exchange designed to support the development of the inspection strategy.
Setting Priorities in Health and Social Care Integration: Economic and Provider Perspectives
This seminar from What Works Scotland and Health Economics Network for Scotland explored approaches to priority setting in health and social care, aimed at helping people involved in the development of health and social care partnerships, and working in those partnerships, as they seek to prioritise areas of investment.