Peer learning opportunity, organised by What Works Scotland and the Jam and Justice Action Research Collective (ARC) based in Greater Manchester, which offered a range of facilitated peer exchange and learning activities focused on our shared interests and approaches.
Report launch: Key findings from the Survey of Community Planning Officials in Scotland
Video of a webinar which an opportunity to learn more about the findings from the first ever Community Planning Officials Survey and discuss what it means for community planning work, public service reform and community empowerment.
National Standards for Community Engagement
The revised National Standards for Community Engagement. These were developed by What Works Scotland and the Scottish Community Development Centre with a focus on strengthening participation and community engagement, particularly in the context of the Community Empowerment Act.
Third sector participation and representation in East Lothian
Report which describes the process by which STRiVE, the TSI for East Lothian, with support from What Works Scotland, opened a conversation with local third sector organisations to discuss effective participation and representation.
Taking a Deliberative Approach to Complexity: What can we learn from the Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit?
This seminar examined what we can learn from the experience of holding a Citizens’ Assembly about Brexit and considered the role of participatory processes like this in current decision-making in Scotland.
‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? Promoting equality in community engagement – Evidence review
Evidence review that examines what is being done to overcome inequality in community engagement, using evidence from Scotland and the UK. Published by What Works Scotland in December 2017.
Power, Health and Social Justice event at GCPH
Power, health and social justice is the focus for the next event in the Healthier Futures Forum, organised by Glasgow Centre for Population Health (GCPH) with a short presentation on How power inequalities shape policy conversations from What Works Scotland co-director Oliver Escobar.
A life-first approach: What citizens want from support services
This partnership event in November 2017 with Carnegie UK Trust and the University of Edinburgh discussed the findings of the What Do Citizens Want? research on how support services fit into people’s day to day lives.
Urban neighbourhoods: Five ways to make a difference
Animation about five approaches that make a difference in urban neighbourhoods and the implications for change, public services and decision-making.
Hard-to-reach or easy-to-ignore? A review of evidence about equality in community engagement launch
This event shared the findings of an evidence review which explores the intersection between community engagement and equality.