Seminar that looked at the experiences of community-based projects working locally on combating prejudice. It reflected on experience of doing this work and explored the lessons being learnt about how to support it.
Blog: Positive conversations, meaningful change – learning from Animating Assets
Animating Assets is a project that explored what difference working in an asset-based way made in communities and services. Dr Jennifer McLean from the Glasgow Centre for Population Health explores what her organisation learned.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: reflections from Glasgow on the PB study visit to Paris
In this guest blog post Evelyn O’Donnell from Glasgow City Council describes some highlights and some early learning points from a two-day study visit to Paris for members of the Glasgow Participatory Budgeting Collaborative Action Research group, supported by What Works Scotland.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: perceptions, participation and parallels from a Fife perspective
In this guest blog post Coryn Barclay, Julie Dickson, and David McGrath from Fife Council reflect on what they learned from a fact-finding visit to Paris to look at how participatory budgeting is being delivered in an international context. The study trip was supported by What Works Scotland.
What Works in Community Profiling? Initial reflections from the WWS project in West Dunbartonshire
Case site paper that discusses the experience of What Works Scotland, the Glasgow Centre for Population Health and the West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Team in developing community profiles for the purposes of place-based working.
Changing Lives, Delivering Success
What Works Scotland presentation at the Scottish Government’s 2015 Community Planning Conference entitled Changing Lives, Delivering Success: Turning Ambition into Action.
Community Anchors
This think piece reflects on the potential of multi-purpose, independent community-led organisations, often called community anchors, to lead on ‘highly localised’ service design and delivery, and related local economic, social and democratic developments.
Review of First Generation Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
Paper reviewing the evidence about participatory budgeting processes in Scotland up to June 2016. It examines the growth and development of the first generation of participatory budgeting in Scotland in order to generate insight to support the strategic and operational leadership and delivery of future participatory budgeting .
New National Standards for Community Engagement
The revised National Standards for Community Engagement have been launched following work by What Works Scotland and the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to undertake a full review and refresh of the original standards.
Reimagining Community Planning in Scotland: A Vision from the Third Sector
A working paper from What Works Scotland written by Oliver Escobar on behalf of members of third sector interfaces and Voluntary Action Scotland. The paper collates the discussions and outcomes from a two-day forum to review evidence and deliberate on the future of community planning. It contains 17 vision statements related to four themes.