This workshop is focused deepening our understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by refugees who have resettled in Scotland. It will share the findings from two new What Works Scotland research reports which look at how public services are responding to meeting the needs of refugees and asylum seekers.
The potential of community anchor organisations to engage with, lead and challenge the reform of public services in Scotland
This seminar shared our learnings about community anchors and their role in public service reform. It offered space for dialogue, discussion and deliberation on community anchors, the community sector and their relationship to public service reform.
Report launch: Key findings from the Survey of Community Planning Officials in Scotland
Video of a webinar which an opportunity to learn more about the findings from the first ever Community Planning Officials Survey and discuss what it means for community planning work, public service reform and community empowerment.
Hard-to-reach or easy-to-ignore? A review of evidence about equality in community engagement launch
This event shared the findings of an evidence review which explores the intersection between community engagement and equality.
Book launch – The People’s Verdict: Adding Informed Citizen Voices to Public Decision-Making
Claudia Chwalisz will present the key findings in The People’s Verdict, a study of 50 long-form deliberative processes, where randomly selected citizens have played key roles in decision-making.The session will include opportunities for participants to discuss the book’s findings and the role that Scotland can play in advancing democratic innovation.
Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
Report of an event held in December 2015 to explore evidence about effective partnership working with those working in and with public services. Summary Partnership working is central to the public services reform agenda across the UK and beyond, yet
‘Fun, Food, Folk’: The Centrestage approach to dignified food provision
This seminar was the launch of the What Works Scotland research report about Centrestage’s distinct approach to dignified food provision.
See the PB conference report and videos – online now
See the reports, thoughts and reactions from the first major participatory budgeting conference in Scotland, which brought together almost 200 people in October 2016 to learn about participatory budgeting (PB) and see how it can help shape democracy in Scotland and beyond.
New National Standards for Community Engagement
The revised National Standards for Community Engagement have been launched following work by What Works Scotland and the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to undertake a full review and refresh of the original standards.
Creating Effective Partnerships to Deliver Public Services seminar
This event was the launch of ‘Partnership working in UK public services’, an accessible, action-oriented evidence review produced by What Works Scotland’s Evidence Bank.