What Works Scotland co-director Dr Oliver Escobar is to speak at a workshop on the institutionalisation of participatory and deliberative democracy organised by The Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster in London.
Mini-publics: examples and resources
Examples of mini-publics which what Works Scotland has been involved with, and reflections on what we have learnt from these experiments.
Sharing our findings from new approach to police-community engagement
What Works Scotland is sharing its findings from a trial of a ‘mini-public’ process to enable communities and public services to interact more meaningfully. What Works Scotland joined forces with police, fire and council services in the North East of Scotland to experiment with a citizens’ jury .
WWS evidence about mini-publics used in parliamentary reform report
The Report on the Scottish Parliament, published this week by the Commission on Parliamentary Reform, includes ideas for democratic innovation based on research and evidence from What Works Scotland.
New project on how communities receive offenders ‘coming home’ after punishment
What Works Scotland Co-director Oliver Escobar is contributing his expertise in participative and deliberative democracy to a new project that is challenging views of offender rehabilitation. The collaborative action research project is called Coming Home.
Book launch – The People’s Verdict: Adding Informed Citizen Voices to Public Decision-Making
Claudia Chwalisz will present the key findings in The People’s Verdict, a study of 50 long-form deliberative processes, where randomly selected citizens have played key roles in decision-making.The session will include opportunities for participants to discuss the book’s findings and the role that Scotland can play in advancing democratic innovation.
Reimagining Community Planning in Scotland: A Vision from the Third Sector
New working paper published here (pdf)