Democratic Governance through Intermediary Bodies: A Case Study of Third Sector Interfaces in Scotland
Key messages about public service reform in Scotland
Publications and resources
How To Design And Plan Public Engagement Processes: A Handbook
Building the Community Economy in Scotland: Frameworks to support learning and action
Reflections on the What Works Scotland initiative
Strengthening Community Councils: Exploring how they can contribute to democratic renewal in Scotland
Participation and representation: Strengthening the third sector voice in local governance
At the frontier of collaborative and participatory governance: Eight key discussions to support putting Christie into practice – reflective learning with practitioners from Aberdeenshire CPP
Collaborative Action Research and public services – insights into methods, findings and implications for public service reform
Exploring perceived opportunities and challenges of Participation Requests in Scotland
Policy briefing – Mainstreaming participatory budgeting: What works in building foundations for a more participatory democracy?
Public Service Leadership: What Works?
Community Planning after the Community Empowerment Act: The Second Survey of Community Planning Officials in Scotland
Facilitation training – new skills to facilitate collaboration
Policy briefing – Evaluability Assessment: A collaborative approach to planning evaluations
Universal basic income – A scoping review of evidence on impacts and study characteristics
An outcome-focused evaluation of High Life: Highland’s Falls Prevention Programme
Submission to Locality’s Inquiry: Keeping It Local Call for Evidence
Making data meaningful: Evidence use in a community planning partnership in Scotland
Policy briefing: Public service leadership: What works?
Policy briefing: Public service leadership: Rethinking leadership for collaborative settings
Action Research in Policy Analysis: ‘Sanction and sanctuary’ in Scottish collaborative governance
Policy briefing: Exploring the roles of community anchor organisations in public service reform and social change
Hope for Democracy: Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
The Operation Modulus Approach: further lessons for public service reform
Educational needs and experiences of refugee children in Scotland
Resettlement of Syrian Refugees in West Dunbartonshire
Transforming communities? Exploring the roles of community anchor organisations in public service reform, local democracy, community resilience and social change
Community Planning Officials Survey: Understanding the everyday work of local participatory governance in Scotland
Inquiring into Multi-layered, Preventative Partnership
Building Connections: Co-locating advice services in general practices and job centres
Insights from ‘Your Community’ – a place-based approach to public service reform
‘Hard to reach’ or ‘easy to ignore’? Promoting equality in community engagement – Evidence review
Urban neighbourhoods: Five ways to make a difference
Response to Scottish Government socio-economic duty consultation
Response to Citizenship and Civic Engagement Committee consultation
What Do Citizens Want?
Tackling Child Poverty: Actions to Prevent and Mitigate Child Poverty at the Local Level
Evaluation of Police and Fire Reform
Economic Regeneration in Scotland: Past Lessons, Current Practice, Future Challenges
What Works in Public Service Leadership: Exploring the Potential
Pioneering Collaborative Leadership: A Facilitated Approach for Learning in Action
Outcomes-based Approaches to Public Service Reform: Event Report
Actions to prevent and mitigate child poverty in South Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership
Public service reform and participatory budgeting: How can Scotland learn from international evidence?
Local solutions to local problems: innovation in public participation
Glasgow’s Participatory Budgeting Evaluation Toolkit
Fife Collaborative Action Research – Second Home Retreat: Critical reflections and lessons on implementation
Fife Collaborative Action Research Programme: An overview of the process
Reflections and Learning from the Fife Collaborative Action Research Programme 2015-2017
Collaborative Action Research Report: Fife Partnership Innovation Team exploring the Family Fun Model
Collaborative Inquiry Exploring Data and Knowledge-sharing Practices in Responses to Welfare Sanctions
Collaborative action research report: Working in partnership to support students with additional needs
Thriving Places case studies
Outcomes Based Approaches in Public Service Reform
Evaluability Assessment of Thriving Places: a Report for Glasgow Community Planning Partnership
Fun, Food, Folk: The Centrestage approach to dignified food provision
How to Design Collaborative Action Research
Exploring collaborative learning, research and action in public service reform: Aberdeenshire Health and Social Care Change Fund Beyond Action Learning initiative
Reflecting on what works in developing authentic relationships in complex settings
Learning about community capacity-building from the Community Links Worker approach in Insch, Aberdeenshire (2013-16): a collaborative action research inquiry (cycle 1)
What Works in Community Profiling? Initial reflections from the WWS project in West Dunbartonshire
Review of First Generation Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
National Standards for Community Engagement
Third sector participation and representation in East Lothian
Rationales for Place-based Approaches in Scotland
“Challenge current practice and assumptions! Make waves!!” What Works Scotland Collaborative Learning Event
Scoping Report from the Aberdeenshire CPP and What Works Scotland’s Collaborative Learning Day 8 December 2015
Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
Community-led Action Planning Day event report. West Dunbartonshire, October 2015
Collaborative Action Research Fife Home Retreat Report
Collaborative Action Retreat Report – Summary of retreat held in June 2015
Perspectives on Improvement and Effectiveness: Key Definitions and Concepts
Perspectives on Knowledge into Action in education and public service reform: A review of relevant literature and an outline framework for change
The Cost of School Holidays
Operation Modulus: putting Christie into practice in the Gorbals
Practising Collaborative Leadership: Reflection and Learning from the Enabling Collaborative Leadership Pioneer Programme
29th International Congress for School Effectiveness and Improvement – State of the Art Briefings
Evidence to Action in public service delivery: an overview of What Works Scotland knowledge partners
Reimagining Community Planning in Scotland: A Vision from the Third Sector
Supporting Collaborative Action Research: Developing a more systematic approach
Evaluability Assessment: a systematic approach to deciding whether and how to evaluate programmes and policies
Timeline for development of Scottish Government’s ‘National Performance Framework’ and outcomes
Timeline for development of Community Planning in Scotland
Getting evidence into action to improve Scotland’s public services
Synthetic controls: a new approach to evaluating interventions
What can the capabilities approach add to policy analysis in high-income countries?
Community Anchors
Policy making: Does anyone care?
The Political Economy of Local Tax Reform
What Works and learning from failure
The emerging Scottish model: avoiding everything becoming nothing
Partnership working across UK public services
Scaling-up Innovations
The Cost of the Cuts: a social impact tool
Community Planning – Maximising Potential
Changing Lives, Delivering Success
Report to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee
Blog: In search of effective collaborative challenge for a more equitable society
Blog: Tackling inequalities by supporting ‘enterprising’ communities
Blog: Community-led activity: time to invest in expansion
Blog: Extending the community sector inquiry through a cross-sector learning community?
Blog: Tackling health inequalities means more than service reform and design
Participatory budgeting in Scotland: an overview of strategic design choices and principles for effective delivery
Blog: Community social enterprises: innovators in public service reform?
Blog: Third sector leadership – the promise of collective accounts of leadership
Blog: Changing alcohol culture – developing our LOIP priority and what we’ve learnt about partnership working
Blog: Knowing How – Putting Research into Practice
Blog: Mapping the frontiers of collaborative governance
Blog: Continuing to learn from international experiences of participatory budgeting
Blog: The future of joined-up working and integration in Scotland – Time to concentrate on collaborative practice?
Blog: Reflections on the welfare inquiry experience – Building and enhancing partnership working
Blog: Digging deep and getting dirty hands! Doing collaborative action research with public services
Blog: Meeting change-makers – connecting research and the ‘real world’
Blog: Facilitative Leadership – Involving citizens and communities in local decision-making
Blog: Asset-Based Community Development – Sustainable development is about discoverables; not deliverables
Blog: How can place-based approaches be used in rural Scotland?
Blog: Can asset-based community development help to address health inequalities?
Blog: Positive conversations, meaningful change – learning from Animating Assets
Blog: Getting evidence into action – how can we understand what we already know?
Blog: Messy collaboration
Blog: In an era of killer sound-bites how can researchers and policy makers close the gap between complexity and simplicity?
Blog: Why Place?
Blog: Making data meaningful in West Dunbartonshire
Blog: Participation and representation in Scotland’s third sector interfaces – a new model?
Blog: Time for change – a delegate’s response to Community-led Approaches to Reducing Poverty
Blog: What is the future of ‘doing good’ in the UK?
Blog: Systems thinking – Re-imagining public services to tackle inequality
Blog: Scotland and international experiences of scaling-up participatory budgeting
Blog: Community-led Approaches to Reducing Poverty
Blog: “Challenge current practice and assumptions! Make waves!!” – Findings from a Collaborative Action Research learning event
Blog: Co-production – I believe in Unicorns after all, they are Scotland’s National animal!
Blog: What key Evidence to Action resources are available for public service reform?
Blog: The 2016 Alliance Conference and the Politics of Possibility
Blog: A backstage pass – Operation Modulus and the case study approach
Blog: Health and Social Care Integration – seeking the ‘space’ and commitment to support complex local partnership-working
Blog: Collaboration, Control and Choice in a Person Centred Scotland
Blog: Understanding and utilising social security sanctions data at the local level
Blog: Creating effective partnerships to deliver public services
Blog: Getting Knowledge into Action in Fife
Blog: People making a difference in communities … a participatory cross-sector conference
Blog: Community Anchors and Opportunities for Locally-led Public Service Reform
Blog: Decision Making – Does Anyone Care?
Blog: Scotland Welcomes Refugees – How do strangers become citizens?
Blog: Engaging with the Edges
Blog: Taking A Distributed Perspective to Leading & Managing
Blog: The National Standards for Community Engagement – Back to the Future
Blog: Health and social care integration: Sharing learning across the North Sea
Blog: Governing with the people
Blog: Reforming services – the example of refugee support
Blog: A democratic future for community planning?
Blog: Think YES? How to deliver transformational change in relationships between staff, managers and local people
Blog: Local Government Finance
Blog: What Works Centre for Wellbeing – Call out for stakeholder engagement
Blog: The economics of prevention: ways of seeing
Blog: People make Partnerships
Blog: Why and how ‘what works’ is important for Scotland
Blog: I can’t believe it’s not better
Blog: Co-production: Do we know what it is and what it achieves?
Blog: Can we tackle poverty by changing how we talk about it?
Blog: Closing the commissioning gap: Supporting community and social enterprise through participatory budgeting
Blog: Asset Based Community Development: Focusing on what matters
Blog: What’s the Matter with Asset-Based Community Development?
Blog: Democratic evaluation for the 21st Century
Blog: The Economics of Prevention and Difficult Decisions for Community Planning Partnerships in Scotland
Blog: Looking back on Community Planning Partnerships – Policy reunion
Blog: ‘What Works’ in Raising Educational Standards? Learning Lessons and Rising to the ‘Challenge’
Blog: Democratic Sector Day
Blog: Better Place – Communities, Citizens and Consumers & New Approaches to Social Policy & Public Services
Blog: Shifting public services to focus on prevention: Impediments & implications
Blog: What might the Capabilities approach bring to public service reform in Scotland?
Blog: ‘Fractals’, Community Planning and Placed-based Policy Geography in West Dunbartonshire
Blog: Meet the WWS staff, Research Fellows Richard Brunner and Claire Bynner
Blog: Review of The Whitehall Effect
Blog: Beyond cynicism and complacency – Participatory budgeting in Scotland
Blog: Creating an Evidence Bank for Public Service Reform
Blog: What Works in Fife?
Blog: Working with What Works Scotland
Blog: What Works Scotland and the Housing Sector
Blog: Giving communities their place
Blog: Why Can’t We Trust the Word ‘Welfare’ in Policy Making?
Case sites
Past events
The Scottish approach to public service reform: lessons from What Works Scotland – seminar
Children and young people: using research and evidence to make change happen
Effective leadership and networked governance: Public service and community leadership – What works and why?
Research for Change – Beyond What Works
Webinar: Transforming communities? Exploring the roles of community anchor organisations in public service reform – supporting, leading and challenging?
Empowering People and Places: What Works?
Webinar: Participatory budgeting and its potential for community empowerment and social justice
Britain after Brexit: the political and economic choices ahead
Research, collaboration and inspection: towards a research-informed system
Evidence to Action: what works for public service reform
Experiences of refugee resettlement in Scotland
Peer learning opportunity between What Works Scotland and Jam and Justice Action Research Co-operative (Greater Manchester)
The potential of community anchor organisations to engage with, lead and challenge the reform of public services in Scotland
‘Disinvestment’, or ‘freeing up’ resources for reinvestment?
Report launch: Key findings from the Survey of Community Planning Officials in Scotland
Taking a Deliberative Approach to Complexity: What can we learn from the Citizens’ Assembly on Brexit?
Why Attitudes to Poverty Matter: What the Evidence Says
A life-first approach: What citizens want from support services
Co-production and Public Service Reform
Hard-to-reach or easy-to-ignore? A review of evidence about equality in community engagement launch
Leadership, Collaboration and Public Service Reform – What Works?
Poverty, schools and inequality: reducing the cost of the school day
Naomi Eisenstadt lecture – Review of the Life Chances of Young People
Preventing and mitigating child poverty
People, Prejudice and Planning: Community-based responses to promoting equality and tackling hate
Book launch – The People’s Verdict: Adding Informed Citizen Voices to Public Decision-Making
What Works in Economic Regeneration?
Outcomes-based Approaches in Public Service Reform
Public service reform, scrutiny and inspection: Where to next?
Prevention and Prediction: Can we predict the impacts of prevention to inform policy and practice?
‘Fun, Food, Folk’: The Centrestage approach to dignified food provision
Community-led Approaches to Reducing Poverty: A Review of Evidence and Practice
International Experiences in Participatory Budgeting: A Session with Giovanni Allegretti
Locked Out, Locked In: Young People, Adulthood and Desistance from Crime
Exploring evidence, tools and strategies to expand the scope of prevention in public services
Designing Public Policy for Co-production: Theory, Practice and Change
Setting Priorities in Health and Social Care Integration: Economic and Provider Perspectives
Creating Effective Partnerships to Deliver Public Services seminar
Getting Knowledge into Action in Fife
Inclusion Scotland Roadshows: Have your say on what disability research should focus on
Battle of Ideas: The Referendum One Year On – a healthcheck on democracy
Policy-making: Does Anyone Care?
People Making a Difference in Communities Conference
What Works Scotland at Explorathon
Innovation and Equity: Working Together for Educational Change
Distributed Leadership: Theory, Principle and Practice
What Works Wellbeing – Community Evidence Programme Workshop
The Populist Signal: Why Politics and Democracy Need to Change
NHS Scotland Local Intelligence Support Team: Autumn Gathering
Promoting the ‘Human’ in Human Rights
Marginalisation, Stigma and Choice
Policy Reunion: National Standards for Community Engagement
Participation Week Launch event – Participation and Citizen Ownership: The Challenge for Government
Participation Week – Participation: What Works?
Co-production of Public Services: Design and Innovation
Keyword: Partnership
Economics of Prevention – Policing, Early years, Housing, Smoking in pregnancy
Public Service Reform in Health and Social Care: Norwegian and Scottish experiences
Making Better Decisions? Using Citizens’ Juries in Scotland
Using Evidence to Develop Public Services
The Economics of Prevention – Community planning and health
Policy Reunion: Community Planning Partnerships
Democratic Sector Day
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