What Works Scotland co-director Dr Oliver Escobar is to speak at a workshop on the institutionalisation of participatory and deliberative democracy organised by The Centre for the Study of Democracy at the University of Westminster in London.
Public service reform and participatory budgeting: How can Scotland learn from international evidence?
A documentary film exploring how community planning partners from two of What Works Scotland case sites learnt about implementing participatory budgeting on a study trip to Paris, European leader in mainstreaming PB.
Evaluating the impact of participatory budgeting
How What Works Scotland and Glasgow community planning partners used a collaborative action research model, to develop an evaluation approach to assess the impact of participatory budgeting activities and a PB evaluation toolkit.
Glasgow’s Participatory Budgeting Evaluation Toolkit
This toolkit was produced by practitioners in Glasgow’s Participatory Budgeting Evaluation Group to assess the impact of PB activities and develop an improvement plan. It is aimed at any organisation or community group in Glasgow leading a PB activity.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: three insights into how public services learn on international visits
In this blog What Works Scotland research associate Richard Brunner explores how public services in Scotland can learn from international evidence and offers three early insights from a study trip to Paris supported by What Works Scotland.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: reflections from Glasgow on the PB study visit to Paris
In this guest blog post Evelyn O’Donnell from Glasgow City Council describes some highlights and some early learning points from a two-day study visit to Paris for members of the Glasgow Participatory Budgeting Collaborative Action Research group, supported by What Works Scotland.
Blog: Paris and Participatory Budgeting: perceptions, participation and parallels from a Fife perspective
In this guest blog post Coryn Barclay, Julie Dickson, and David McGrath from Fife Council reflect on what they learned from a fact-finding visit to Paris to look at how participatory budgeting is being delivered in an international context. The study trip was supported by What Works Scotland.
Participatory budgeting in Scotland: an overview of strategic design choices and principles for effective delivery
This paper outlines participatory budgeting design choices and delivery principles. It reviews international research, evaluations, grey literature and commentary and draws upon learning and insights from a PB pilot in Govanhill, Glasgow. Summary This paper aims to support the strategic
See the PB conference report and videos – online now
See the reports, thoughts and reactions from the first major participatory budgeting conference in Scotland, which brought together almost 200 people in October 2016 to learn about participatory budgeting (PB) and see how it can help shape democracy in Scotland and beyond.
Review of First Generation Participatory Budgeting in Scotland
Paper reviewing the evidence about participatory budgeting processes in Scotland up to June 2016. It examines the growth and development of the first generation of participatory budgeting in Scotland in order to generate insight to support the strategic and operational leadership and delivery of future participatory budgeting .